Monday, February 4, 2008

Family Update

We've been very busy the last few days, but I wanted to update you all on what's going on with us. As most of you know I was sick most of last week. I've been feeling much better - no more fever and I've been able to keep my blood sugar regulated. Baby seems to be doing fine - she's still moving more than ever. I had another doctor appointment on Friday. Baby is still continuing to grow. I gained only 1 more pound since my last visit - I'm now up only 4 pounds from where I was before I got pregnant. That makes me feel good. Now if only it all goes away after the baby's born. The doctor measured and my belly is getting much bigger. I can also tell that she's sitting much lower now. Her heartbeat is strong. The doctor made some notes about my delivery of Sierra and some of the concerns I've had with this baby being bigger. I've got another appointment on the 20th and then another ultrasound on the 29th. The doctor said we should have a better idea by then about how big baby will be and hopefully we can make some firmer plans at that point. Today I wore the shirt mom and dad gave me for Christmas, which I also wore on Christmas day. I thought you'd all like to see just how much bigger I've gotten since then:

In other news...
Sierra's basketball team had the opportunity to practice with the Emerald Ridge High School Girls Basketball team Thursday night and were then invited to be special guests at the ERHS game Friday night and play at half-time. The girls got to sit behind the bench during the game and then played against another team from some other league. They were a little out-numbered (like 7 to 5) on the court, but they had fun and the coach bought them all a snack afterwards. I know it's hard to see, but Sierra really is there somewhere in the big group of kids crowding around the ball.

The following day they had a real game and Sierra scored her first basket during a game this season. I had to be in Chehailis with the Wind Ensemble I play in, but fortunately Brian got it all on video. And it was also nice that Larry, Linda, and Kari were able to be there to cheer her on. Sierra's team lost again, but at least she was able to score. Here's the video of her shot:

On my way home from Chehailis Saturday night, I got a text message from Sierra saying that she was in bed and that "Dad prayed that the Giants will win the Super Bowl". We all got to watch Sunday as his prayer was answered. I don't think I've ever heard Brian cheer at the tv as much as he did when the Giants scored their final touchdown with 35 seconds left to play. It was an exciting game and we were glad we got to have friends and family over to watch it with us. As a side note, Sierra and Brian have really bonded over football this season. Sierra now has all of the teams and cities memorized. You name the city, she can name the team and vice versa. Brian is helping her learn which teams are in which divisions now. She's already got a few of them down. He's such a proud dad. He brags about her to all of his friends now. Brian's friend, Jason, was here for the Super Bowl and was VERY impressed!

The last part of our update I wanted to mention some thoughts that I've had with the passing of President Hinckley and now with the announcement of our new first presidency. It's been a neat experience to explain to Sierra how the new prophet is determined. And to explain to Brian that we don't have to wait for the black smoke and, no, I don't believe there is an odds-on favorite in Vegas for who will be in the first presidency. A few of the teachers that I work with have seen the news and it has opened up an opportunity for conversations about the church with them. As much as I will miss President Hinckley, I can't help thinking how happy he must be to be with his wife again. And when I think of his earthly mission the only word that comes to mind is "satisfied." It's hard to feel sad about someone leaving this life when you know that their work here is done and their mission is fulfilled.

When I got home today I was interested in watching the press conference from this morning and there was something that President Monson said that really touched me. He was asked about what would be his priority as prophet - that he has said that the church is on course, but what could we look forward to with his presidency. I loved his answer so much I wrote it down: "I think our young people live in a world of many challenges and they should be prepared to meet them and not be overcome by them. I think it's essential that the home provide a training for the youth that come to that home so that they can feel free to call upon their Heavenly Father in prayer. Sometimes the best answers that young people can give to the questions of life are found when they're upon their knees calling upon our Heavenly Father. And I testify that if they will remember that the Lord is mindful of them and will answer their prayers, they'll be able to meet every challenge that comes to them." I thought about all of us who have callings in the church in which we work with the youth and I also thought of those of us who have begun raising our families. I thought of how timely that statement is for us. I don't know that this will be a hallmark theme of his presidency, but knowing that the youth are of the utmost concern to him gives me hope that if I listen to and follow the counsel of our new prophet that my family, especially my children, as well as the other youth that I serve will be prepared for their future.

I hope I didn't take up too much of your valuable time while you're reading my ramblings. Maybe now I can go for awhile without an update. :)


Stepha said...

The baby does look a lot lower. I love how cute you look pregnant. I'm so proud of Sierra. It was fun to see her basket, and the fact that she knows more about football than probably all the guys I know really is brag-worthy. I'm glad Brian had enough faith that his prayer was answered. The seed has been planted, even if it was shaped like a football.

HoneyGram & Papa said...

OK Brian, next family reunion you can have a turn praying since you have such great faith. Thank you Sarah for your thoughts about the First Presidency. I haven't had a lot of reflecting time, but look forward to seeing and hearing the Lord reveal His will through Pres. Monson. A prophet is a prophet, but they do come with their own personalities.