Wednesday, January 16, 2008

New Ultrasound

I had another ultrasound today. Everything seems to be going just fine. Baby's growing a lot - the nurse couldn't believe how long her femur was. I'm convinced I'm going to have a 10-pound 30-inch long baby at this rate. She's still a girl. Whew! Her head's down and will hopefully stay that way now. She's still moving A LOT! So much so that some of the images we were trying to find were REALLY hard to get. We tried to get a picture of her face, but there's not much room and she kept her fist in the way. We did, however, get a good profile of her. You can see her eye, nose, mouth and fist. I think she has my nose!


Lindsey Phelps said...

She definitely has a Kay nose. Maybe you should start pushing now, just so she might arrive on her due date!

HoneyGram & Papa said...

She is beautiful!! Way to go Sarah & Brian. I can't wait to hold her and sing "HoneyGram's Song" aka "My Heavenly Father Loves Me". We will continue to pray for a safe and healthy arrival.

Stepha said...

I know you think that she looks like you, but I'm definitly thinking she has more of my profile, hence, her middle name should be Stephanie.

Lindsey Phelps said...
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Lindsey Phelps said...

Steph's right. Her middle name should be Stephanie. Lindsey Stephanie Sandstrom has a nice ring to it.

Jessica said...

She is beautiful already!! I'm really okay with your idea to tell the doctor that the baby will be too big by her due date, so just go ahead and get her here a month early. And don't worry, we'll invest the gas money to come and babysit our two super sweet nieces when you and Brian need to get out every weekend. ;)