Friday, January 18, 2008

Doctor Update

While I've already told many of you this information, I figured I'd post it here for those of you that don't already know. I went to see the doctor Thursday morning and she gave me a few more stats about our baby. She apparently weighs just over 4 pounds, which puts her in the 78th percentile. I am a little concerned that this baby will be significantly bigger than Sierra and I had a hard enough time delivering her, so I attempted to get the doctor to nail down a date that I wouldn't go past, but she wouldn't. She did, however, tell me "You're going to have a big baby." It's always comforting to hear that from your doctor. :) Apparently our baby is taking after Brian, who weighed almost 10 pounds when he was born. I will have another ultrasound in about 4 weeks - the doctor is still monitoring some fibroids in my uterus as well as the size of the baby's kidneys. There's nothing to be alarmed at, but better to watch and know what's going on. The doctor also said that she'll make sure to monitor baby's weight more closely now also. Other than that, everything seems to be fine. Baby's moving and kicking more and harder and my belly feels unbelievably huge - it's hard to believe there's still 2 more months. I'll keep y'all posted... Till next time....


HoneyGram & Papa said...

We will continue to pray for the health of the baby, the comfort of Sarah, and the compassion of the Dr.~

Stepha said...

I say lets start going on 3 mile jogs now and get this baby here. I think it would save a lot of hassle, and everyone will be more happy in the end. :) I'm joking. I'm glad to hear that everything is going well. This little girl is going to be a moose of a baby and it's Sarah's fault because she just loves Moosen too much!