Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Snow Day

We had our first snow day this week. I was thinking that I was jealous of everyone in Utah and Idaho when they kept talking about their 8-10 inches of snow. But we got our 2 inches and had a day off school, so I'm not so jealous anymore. I was laid up sick the entire day (plus 2 more), but Sierra had fun playing with a couple friends who came over for the day. (I wish I could've got pictures of them. I hate being sick!) According to the weather reports, there may be more snow next week. Maybe we'll get another inch or 2, another day off and another opportunity for pictures. :)

Playing with Honey

We had a visit from Justin and Jessica last week and Rochelle and LaMar were SO excited to play with Honey. They decided to give Honey her toys to play with. Honey was more interested in laying down, but the kids gave her the toys anyways. Honey was so patient with them. She just laid there until the kids piled all of her toys on top of her. What we didn't get pictures of was when they decided to give Honey treats. We keep the treats in the bottom drawer, so after Sierra helped them find one, they went back and got more.

Unfortunately, they won't be able to play with Honey this weekend during the Super Bowl. Last Saturday we let Honey out for a bit and she got out of the fence, which she seems to be doing a lot lately. Usually she would eventually make her way to the front porch and wait for us, but she didn't this time. We still haven't found her. Brian is pretty upset about it. I have mixed feelings. Sierra misses her. We'll keep looking for her. I just hope she's ok and, if we don't find her, that she at least found a good family to play with.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Doctor Update

While I've already told many of you this information, I figured I'd post it here for those of you that don't already know. I went to see the doctor Thursday morning and she gave me a few more stats about our baby. She apparently weighs just over 4 pounds, which puts her in the 78th percentile. I am a little concerned that this baby will be significantly bigger than Sierra and I had a hard enough time delivering her, so I attempted to get the doctor to nail down a date that I wouldn't go past, but she wouldn't. She did, however, tell me "You're going to have a big baby." It's always comforting to hear that from your doctor. :) Apparently our baby is taking after Brian, who weighed almost 10 pounds when he was born. I will have another ultrasound in about 4 weeks - the doctor is still monitoring some fibroids in my uterus as well as the size of the baby's kidneys. There's nothing to be alarmed at, but better to watch and know what's going on. The doctor also said that she'll make sure to monitor baby's weight more closely now also. Other than that, everything seems to be fine. Baby's moving and kicking more and harder and my belly feels unbelievably huge - it's hard to believe there's still 2 more months. I'll keep y'all posted... Till next time....

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

New Ultrasound

I had another ultrasound today. Everything seems to be going just fine. Baby's growing a lot - the nurse couldn't believe how long her femur was. I'm convinced I'm going to have a 10-pound 30-inch long baby at this rate. She's still a girl. Whew! Her head's down and will hopefully stay that way now. She's still moving A LOT! So much so that some of the images we were trying to find were REALLY hard to get. We tried to get a picture of her face, but there's not much room and she kept her fist in the way. We did, however, get a good profile of her. You can see her eye, nose, mouth and fist. I think she has my nose!

Monday, January 7, 2008

I can't believe I'm actually doing this!!!

I cannot believe that my family actually talked me into doing this! Don't expect updates frequently - not gonna happen. Hopefully this will cut back on the demand for ultrasound pictures. :)

Here are a few pictures from Christmas.

Sierra didn't like the ride up to Justin and Jessica's house to deliver Lamar's present.

Christmas PJs

Brian's favorite present. :)

Look at how cute.

Sierra talking on her new phone to Honey Gram and Papa and Stephanie and Lindsey.

Brent & Sarah measure tummies.

Sierra and Rochelle enjoyed the crowns from the poppers.