Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Visiting School

I took Sophie to school today to visit all my co-workers and students. It was so much fun. I didn't take any cool pictures, but I couldn't help blogging about it. (Mainly because there have been so few new posts from everyone lately.) ;) I had emailed teachers to let them know I was coming in, but surprised the students by walking in to the jazz band. They were SO excited to see us. I got hugs from virtually everyone and they were so excited to tell me what's been going on with them. They oooo'd and awwww'd over Sophie and she woke up to say hello. I stayed until the 6th grade band came in. They too came up and gave me hugs and reiterated how cute Sophie is. I visited with Cindy for a minute and then went in to her office to feed Sophie. When I was done the 6th grade choir asked if they could sing to her. They were so proud of themselves for singing her to sleep - I didn't have the heart to tell them that she was actually asleep before they started singing. But I appreciated it. I went to the office to see the secretaries and counselors and administrators. About half of them thought Sophie looked like me, the other half thought she looked like Brian. I guess she's becoming quite a mix. I stayed to eat lunch with the 8th grade team (my favorite lunch). That's the part that I miss the most - the lunchtime conversations. It was very enjoyable. But it also made me appreciate even more the time I have at home. After lunch I took Sophie down to see the 7th grade band, who screamed in surprise when I entered the room. I couldn't even get into the door because they all crowded around the entrance to see us.
As much as I want the kids to work hard for Cory (the substitute) and to be successful in their performances, it's nice to be missed. :)

Monday, April 21, 2008

Science Fair

As most of you know, Sierra was selected to take her science fair project to the district competition. We went to the fair grounds Saturday morning for the judging. There were 101 5th grade entries. During the judging we waited and waited... and waited some more while the judges walked around doing their thing.

Sierra had 2 judges evaluate her display and ask her questions about her project.

Sunday night we went to thae awards ceremony. She didn't receive another award, but we're proud of her and the work she put into her project. And of course we have to give a special thanks to Uncle Justin for all his help along the way.

After the judging on Saturday we got to go around the Spring Fair for a bit. It was a bit cold (we had sun, rain, hail and snow), so we got new hats for the girls. Aren't they cute?

Sierra also got try climbing the rock wall. She did great!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

More Pictures of The Girls

Here are more pictures of my girls. Aren't they cute??? I'm such a proud mama.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Pictures of My Girls

Honey Gram requested updated photos of Sophie to see how she's changed. But I had to include some of Sierra as well.

How fast can you type?

How cool is this? Not even any mistakes. Thank you Paul Bryan's blog. Brian's jealous. :)

91 words


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

My Baby's Growing Up Already

Today Sophie is 23 days old. I dressed her in the same outfit she wore when she came home from the hospital and I couldn't believe the difference in how it fit her. I know she's changed a lot, but wow....

Guess which picture is which. :)

When it was time for pjs I realized all her pajamas that fit were dirty (thank you middle-of-the-night diaper blowouts), so I looked in the next size up (3 months). They don't fit perfectly, but she's definately not swimming in them either.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Sophie at the Outback

Sophie had her first trip to Outback tonight. The fuzzy picture we had to take with the cellphone. But when she woke up and could "try out" the bloomin' onion, we were at home and could take better pictures with the camera.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Sophie & Daddy

When Brian first heard about the "football hold" used for nursing, he immediately thought of the Heisman trophy and its signature pose. Of course, he couldn't wait to try it out with Sophie.

After some time modeling, they were both a little worn out.

Honey Gram & Sophie

Here are a few pictures of Sophie and Honey Gram rocking together. We sure enjoyed having Honey Gram here to help and can't wait for everyone to come in May!!!