Monday, July 14, 2008

Results of Sophie's kidney scan

As many of you know (especially because there are pictures posted below), Sophie had to have a scan of her kidneys done. During an ultrasound while I was pregnant with her, the doctors found that one of her kidneys was larger than the other. They have been monitoring through ultrasound since then and last week did a renal scan to check how well her kidneys are functioning. Today we had an appointment with a urologist to discuss the results. Her pediatrician had called last week after the scan to say that everything looked normal, but we kept the appointment with the specialist in order to clarify the results. According to this doctor, Sophie's left kidney is large simply because she was made that way. But there are no problems - no obstructions - it's fuctioning normally. We were extremely releived to hear this news. The doctor would like to do another scan after her first birthday, but he doesn't anticipate any change whatsoever. We have a healthy little girl (or not so little for her age really). We appreciate the prayers on her behalf and we are grateful that everything is functioning as it should.


Brandon said...

Hurray for Sophie!

Brownie Bites said...

We are so happy for you. What a beautiful, healthy family. We are so sad we will miss you while you were in Utah. Glad we can keep in touch with blogs though.

Pb said...
