Monday, July 14, 2008

Results of Sophie's kidney scan

As many of you know (especially because there are pictures posted below), Sophie had to have a scan of her kidneys done. During an ultrasound while I was pregnant with her, the doctors found that one of her kidneys was larger than the other. They have been monitoring through ultrasound since then and last week did a renal scan to check how well her kidneys are functioning. Today we had an appointment with a urologist to discuss the results. Her pediatrician had called last week after the scan to say that everything looked normal, but we kept the appointment with the specialist in order to clarify the results. According to this doctor, Sophie's left kidney is large simply because she was made that way. But there are no problems - no obstructions - it's fuctioning normally. We were extremely releived to hear this news. The doctor would like to do another scan after her first birthday, but he doesn't anticipate any change whatsoever. We have a healthy little girl (or not so little for her age really). We appreciate the prayers on her behalf and we are grateful that everything is functioning as it should.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Lots to Update

How do I include all that I should from the last couple of days? We have lots of video, lots of pictures, and lots of news. Here goes...
We begin with some videos. Sophie figured out how to squeal recently. It has made our household much noisier (if that's possible).

We've had her giggling a few times, and finally caught it on camera.

**** HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!! ****
We had lots of family over for a 4th of July barbecue. It was a lot of fun. We ate, played volleyball (Brian cheats) and lit off fireworks. The plan was for the fireworks to scare Honey (the dog), but she'd already run away that morning, so no harm done. He claims I "allowed her to escape", but really I wouldn't do that. Honest! Sophie got her first taste of a carrot to knaw on. It was also a lot of fun watching Sophie's first sparkler and watching Justin and Sierra attempt to light the grass and the house on fire.

The day after, we just lazed around the house and Brian and Sophie took a nap. Don't they look cute?

Sophie had a big day at the doctor's office today. The doctors are checking out some issues with one of her kidneys, so we had to go to the hospital for a scan. Here are a few pictures from that experience. She had to have an IV put in, which she did NOT enjoy. Once it was finally in, she looked pathetically cute with her arm splinted up. And then, in order to keep her still during the scan, they mummified her. That photo was taken shortly before she fell asleep.

When we got home, she was laying on the floor playing. She's been so close to rolling over, but I finally caught it on camera. She rolled almost all the way over and got her feet stuck under the couch and stayed that way for several minutes. (1st video) Finally, I moved the toy out of her way (sorry about the crazy camera) and then she got all the way over! (2nd video)

Stay tuned for our next episode as we go on vacation to Utah...
(Coming soon to a blog near you.)