Friday, March 28, 2008

Happy Easter!

How different it is to have a one-week old baby for Easter. We went out the day before to try to find the perfect easter outfit for Sophie and something matching for Sierra. While at the Supermall we saw the Easter Bunny and couldn't pass up the opportunity to have the girls' picture taken with him. (How wierd is it for me to be refering to them as "the girls"?) The picture turned out so adorable!

The next challenge was trying to figure out what the Easter Bunny would bring for Sophie's easter basket. He figured out that a stuffed animal and the movie "Enchanted" would be good. I think Sophie appreciated it.

Sierra's easter basket had a basketball theme - the Easter Bunny knows her well.

Sierra was really excited to match her sister for church.

After church we went to Grammy and Pa's house for dinner and an easter egg hunt. Sophie was a little too tired to participate, but Sierra had fun.


Aaron said...

Cute pictures. The girls look alike in the picture with the Easter bunny. I think they have the same eyes. Sierra's hair is so long. She really looks grown up-- especially compared to her little sister.

Brandon said...

Oops. That comment is really mine not Aaron's. He was still logged in-- he probably wouldn't write cute and talk about hair.

bec said...

you can take pictures with the Easter bunny? who knew? Your girls look great.